• Nathusius' Pipistrelle Project

    With the 2019 Nathusius' Pipistrelle survey season fast approaching, it seems like a good time to recap lasts years results.

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  • Largest BLE Roost Spring-Cleaned

    The largest-known brown long-eared bat roost that is counted as part of the National Bat Monitoring Programme is located in Derbyshire.

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  • Carsington Ice House & Bat Box Check

    We've had a bat box scheme at Carsington for 23 years and this year 17% of the boxes had bats in at the time of the survey 15 noctules 2 pipistrelle sp....

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  • Bincliff Mines Hibernation Survey

    On Sunday 10th February 2019 we joined forces with Staffordshire Bat Group to undertake the annual hibernation survey of the Bincliff Mines in the Manifold Valley.

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  • Markeaton Bat Box Check

    Members of the Group checked the bat box scheme at Markeaton Park on Sunday 10th February.

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  • White Peak Caves Survey

    On a damp Saturday 26th January 2019, seven volunteers from Staffordshire and Derbyshire Bat Groups joined forces to undertake the annual hibernation survey of four underground caves owned by the...

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  • Ticknall hibernation site check

    The Ticknall site is a woodland block to the south of Ticknall village and is part of the National Trust Calke Abbey site The woodland hides the remains of a 8ha...

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  • Group checks National Trust bat boxes

    Members of the group undertook a check of a bat box scheme on the Calke Abbey Estate in south Derbyshire on Sunday 13th January 2019.

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  • Vice Chair joins BCT Board of Trustees

    Senior bat ecologist Steve Roe was recently voted onto the Bat Conservation Trust’s Board of Trustees at their recent AGM during the National Bat Conference in September.

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  • First ever bat records for SK4328

    On 31st August 2018 while undertaking field work for the National Nathusius’ Pipistrelle Project, Tom Bennett obtained the first ever records for a new 1 km square near Aston on...

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