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As technology progresses the price of it keeps coming down and it is now possible to purchase a full-spectrum recording bat detector for less than the price of a zero-crossing model. With the recent discovery of barbastelle in the south of the County and a small number of volunteers keen to fill in the blank squares in the north, the committee agreed to purchase three full-spectrum detectors which can be left out in the field, adding to our existing fleet of 5 zero-crossing models.

Two of these detectors will be starting out in the south of the County helping search for the elusive barbastelle bat and one will be heading up to the north-west of the County where there is a large area of which we have little knowledge of the bat activity.

Full-spectrum recordings give more detail of the bat calls which help with identifying our quieter bat species (see the previous news article, Lockdown Lunacy) and these models are the smallest and lightest commercially available models, making deployment off the beaten track far easier for our volunteers.

The purchase of these detectors has been possible in part due to generous donations recently received and without the generous support of donors, much of our work would not be possible. If you would like to contribute to the conservation of Derbyshire’s bat species, you can make a donation online here.

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