
The weather finally showed some signs of warming up allowing a mid week survey. Witches Oak phase 1 was the chosen site and with three male Nathusius' caught off the River Trent at this location hope were high.

When temperatures dropped to 9 degrees even before the sun had set it was looking like the weather would once again stop play however the bats soon showed up and the first trap check produced twelve soprano pipistrellle's and a single common pipistrelle.

It wasn't long until we were rewarded with the first Nathusius' of the 2019 season. Another male weighing 6.5 grams and with a fiesty temperament. With his ring attached and now known as J09511 he was sent on his way.

Temperatures quickly dropped and the bats soon stopped foraging so it was decided after twenty four bats in total it was time to call it a night.

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